Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Where'd The Betta Go?

Here's a little Betta story a colleague shared with me today. We'll call it, ' The Mystery of the Disappearing Betta Fish'.

So I'm sitting in my office this morning when I hear a knock at the door. "Hey!, have I told you about how my Betta fish disappeared for almost a month and now has miraculously reappeared?"

"No," I told him. So off he went with his story.

"About a month ago as I was walking by my fish tank I had noticed that the Betta Fish was missing!" "Honey! Do you know what happened to our Betta?" She replied back saying she had no idea, "Maybe one of the other fish ate him? That's just life in the fish tank, I guess."

After hearing his wife's response, my colleague simply shrugs his shoulders, still unsure of what has happened to his Betta.

Let me explain his tank a bit before I continue. He has a 40 gallon tank. In his tank he has some snails, 1 male Betta Fish, 1 shark, and 2 goldfish. Now, he doesn't always listen to me when I tell him to be careful mixing them all together...but that's another story. Ok, now back to the orginal story.

"So about 2 days ago, I went into the tank to clean out the filter and pump. As soon as I turned off the system, out popped this blue streak from behind the Sea Shell we have in the tank! I didn't know what it was at first. Giving it a double take I realized it was my Betta Fish! Hahah. The darn thing must have been hiding in the shell when we come around and leave on the pump system! And here I had thought he was dead or missing or something!"

We both had a pretty good laugh about it. It was a good story. A Betta fish disappearing for almost an entire month and then suddenly reappearing? Good story indeed.

Now, did you catch the small hints to good Betta care? Here they are:

  1. Be careful of the types of fish you mix your Betta Fish with.
  2. Always make sure that you give your Betta some place to hide if he/she needs to 'escape'.
  3. Pumping systems that move the water rapidly around the tank is a bad thing for a Betta for 2 reasons.
  • a. Betta fish are surface air breathers. Pumping systems in your typical fish tanks swoosh the water around to produce air bubbles and oxygen in the water. This oxygen is how other fish breathe through their gills. 'Waving surfaces' makes it more difficult for Betta's to breathe without the possibility of getting water into their breathing systems.

Recommended Product:

Betta Lovers Guide

I hope you enjoyed the story and maybe even learned a thing or two about better Betta Care.

Speak Soon,

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A Betta Video

Here's a beautiful little orange betta for you to check out. Although, I do wish that the owner would put him in a larger tank.

Fishy Cain

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Post Your Betta Questions

Hi again everyone. Thank you for everyone that has sent in their Betta Questions, but what about everyone else?

If you have a Betta question. Any question. You can ask it by making a comment to this post. This way everyone can see your questions. So start posting your Betta questions now and I will do my best to answer the most popular questions.

So what's on your mind? Post your Betta question today!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

What's Your Top 2 Betta Questions?

What's your top 2 Betta questions?

Ok, I know this may produce an explosion of postings so I'd like to limit the questions to your top 2 only. Plus, please read through everyone else's postings and only post your question if it has not been posted by someone else.

Post your top 2 Betta questions. I'll sift through your postings and produce an answer report for the top few questions!

That's it! A free report to answer your top questions!

Once we get a good number of postings I'll get started right away. So, what's your top 2 betta questions?

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Poll Results: How Many Betta Fish Do You Own?

Last months Poll Results are now in!

We asked all of you how many betta fish do you own? Thank you to everyone who posted to the poll. And here are your results:

I own 0 betta: 5% of you don't own a betta fish.
I own 1 betta: 41% own 1 betta fish.
I own 2 betta: 41% own 2 betta fish.
I own 3+ betta: 11% own 3 or more betta fish.

If you missed out on our poll you can still leave a comment. So, how many betta fish do you own?

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

It's A New Year for Betta Lovers!

Actually it's a new year for everyone, but we're more important aren't we? =)

To help kick start the new year I thought I'd start a poll. You can find it in the left column of the blog. Now, we all know there is a HUGE number of people who love Betta fish, but just how many fish does each person own? That's this months poll question: How many betta fish do you own?

Take the poll and Let us know. I've always been quite curious. I'm going to assume for those that aren't breeding betta, most people will own at least 1 or 2. If I have to choose I'm going to say just 1. What's your guess? Take the poll and find the answer!

That's it for now. Happy New year and all the best to all my fellow betta fish enthusiasts!